Minggu, 25 Februari 2018

2 Aplikasi Terbaru Dari Pegadaian

qiscus, chat sdk, chat api, messaging api, messaging sdk, in-app chat, webrtc

PT Pegadaian (Persero) merilis dua aplikasi sebagai bentuk realisasi pergeseran strategi ke online, ditandai dengan menghentikan ekspansi pembukaan kantor unit di seluruh Indonesia pada tahun ini.
Kedua aplikasi tersebut adalah Pegadaian Digital dan Agen Pegadaian. Keduanya menyasar dua jenis pengguna, yang pertama untuk end user, sementara aplikasi kedua untuk agen. Pegadaian berkolaborasi dengan pihak ketiga sebagai pengembang aplikasi, prosesnya sudah dimulai dikembangkan sejak akhir tahun lalu.
Direktur Produk Pegadaian Harianto Widodo menuturkan bahwa pengembangan aplikasi ini merupakan ambisi perseroan untuk merealisasikan pergeseran bisnis ke online. Maka dari itu, biaya investasi yang dikucurkan untuk mengembangkan infrastruktur TI hampir menyentuh angka Rp500 miliar.
“Kami hentikan ekspansi kantor karena itu costly, jadi sekarang kita ada dua strategi pengembangan bisnis lewat digital. Pertama, langsung menyasar ke end user dan satu lagi untuk pakai sistem keagenan. Ini masih versi beta, masih banyak pengembangan fitur yang sedang kami siapkan,” terang Harianto kepada DailySocial, Rabu (21/2).
Dia mengaku pihaknya sedang melengkapi fitur agar semakin diterima masyarakat. Rencananya, versi penuh dari kedua aplikasi ini akan segera hadir pada perayaan ulang tahun Pegadaian yang akan jatuh pada awal April mendatang.
Model bisnis Pegadaian online
qiscus, chat sdk indonesia, chat api , messaging api indonesia, messaging sdk indonesia, in-app chat , webrtc indonesia

Dalam model bisnisnya, Pegadaian Digital menawarkan fitur booking gadai online, pengajuan pembiayaan usaha, pembukaan rekening tabungan emas, top up tabungan emas, pembayaran transaksi gadai dan mikro, dan tak lupa info harga jual/beli emas dan logam mulai terkini.
Untuk pembukaan tabungan emas, nasabah perlu memenuhi proses KYC dengan mengunjungi kantor cabang Pegadaian terdekat. Hanya saja, ada waktu tenggang sampai enam bulan untuk bertransaksi dengan maksimal nominal Rp20 juta. Apabila KYC sudah dipenuhi, nasabah baru bisa bertransaksi tanpa batas limit.
Untuk pembelian dan pembayarannya, sementara ini Pegadaian baru menyediakan metode bayar virtual account (VA) BNI.
“Ke depannya akan semakin banyak metode pembayaran sehingga bisa memudahkan nasabah kami dalam bertransaksi.”
Sedangkan untuk aplikasi Agen Pegadaian di dalamnya berisi tiga jenis agen, yakni agen pemasar, pembayaran dan gadai. Masing-masing agen memiliki tugas masing-masing, seperti menyampaikan informasi referensi dan informasi produk Pegadaian kepada calon nasabah.
Mereka juga akan menjadi channel perpanjangan tangan untuk KYC bagi nasabah yang ingin membuka rekening tabungan emas dan pencairan gadai. Untuk menjadi agen Pegadaian, bisa dari perorangan ataupun badan usaha yang sebelumnya sudah menyepakati perjanjian. Agen juga harus bersedia mengikuti pelatihan.
Harianto mengaku saat ini perseroan telah menjaring sekitar 1.800 agen di seluruh Indonesia yang terhubung dengan 4.300 kantor cabang/unit Pegadaian. Kehadiran dua aplikasi diharapkan dapat menggenjot penambahan nasabah baru dari kalangan anak muda. Diungkapkan nasabah aktif Pegadaian mencapai 9,5 juta nasabah.
Kolaborasi bisnis dengan perusahaan sejenis
Tak berhenti di peluncuran aplikasi saja, Pegadaian juga sedang melirik sejumlah perusahaan sejenis untuk melakukan kolaborasi bisnis. Salah satu perusahaan yang sedang dibidik adalah startup gadai online Pinjam.
Akan tetapi, menurut Harianto, pihaknya belum memutuskan kolaborasi seperti apa yang bisa dilakukan. Pasalnya, keduanya perusahaan masih dalam tahap diskusi lantaran memiliki model bisnis yang sama.
Kendati demikian, Harianto membantah apabila perseroan memiliki rencana untuk mengakuisisi perusahaan sebagai anak usaha.
“Belum ada rencana mau ke arah sana [akuisisi perusahaan], masih memikirkan kolaborasi bisnis seperti apa yang bisa kerjakan bersama,” pungkas dia.
Sebelumnya, Pinjam diberitakan sedang mempersiapkan penggalangan dana seri B pada tahun ini untuk ekspansi bisnis. Namun, akibat terbentur aturan POJK Nomor 31/2016, mengharuskan Pinjam untuk mencari investor dari lokal. Belum ada kabar terbaru soal ini.

Qiscus Chat SDK siap berkolaborasi dengan perusahaan yang mempunyai aplikasi. Dengan menambah fitur chat didalam aplikasinya. Sebab platform chat Qiscus bisa diintegrasikan ke sistem lain, karena akan lebih gampang bagi perusahaan yang menggunakannya. Silahkan baca cerita Qiscus lebih lanjut di blog Qiscus dan kontak kami melalui contact.us@qiscus.com.

Kamis, 01 Februari 2018

How Qiscus Help Me In Conducting Training

I worked as a consultant in a German based company. One of my responsibility is to give training both for clients (typically post implementation of a system) and also for Junior Consultants in the company to groom a new great consultants.

Two weeks ago I tried to use qiscus as suggested by my friend. An app specifically design for a discussion.

I started the training by asking participants to open the qiscus beta site where Inside I’ve created a room for that training session. The very first thing that We all like is that there’s no need to register on anything. The participants just need to key in the room code and voila! everyone is inside and ready to participate in the discussion. Super easy! yet secure enough for my purpose.

The downside is I think for some other purpose this level of security might not be enough. It would be great if qiscus can have a more secured room in the future.
The next thing that I like so much is the tabbed discussion. Unlike other apps that I know of, it’s very convenient to structure the discussion based on topics and anyone can just move any discussion points to any topics.
What I think is lacking for this function is the ability to drag multiple points at one time. I think that would be an awesome feature to have.
Lastly of course We shouldn’t forget to mention the awesome red button that can compile the important points through out the discussion
Very useful and easy to use. After the discussion I can just click the button and share the compiled discussion points to all the participants.
Yeap, everyone conducting training or workshop should try this app! Of course there are a lot of feedback need to be given for the apps. But the vision is clear and the design is neat and more importantly it’s useful!
Stay Awesome everyone!
And one more thing, Qiscus have another product is Chat SDK

Rabu, 10 Januari 2018

Do Transparency and Trust Make or Break Us?

qiscus, techtalk
This excerpt is taken from HR Professional Magazine

The common scenario in today’s workplace
Mary is an up and coming leader in a Fortune 50 company. Over the course of her career, she has managed to zig zag her way into a nice position of great authority and power. However, of late, due to a significant corporate acquisition, she is now maneuvering new executive additions to her organization, and other changing tides within the company.
Recently, in several key planning meetings, Mary has been asked specific questions by her direct-reporting leadership team about her perspective of the future for their organization, the strategic direction they may be pursuing, possible headcount changes, and other pressing concerns from her leadership team. Prior to these meetings, Mary was made aware that there were going to be many new and significant career opportunities for people at her level and within her organization. She learned that her particular organization has been tapped as the high potential division, and that her team had the opportunity to steer this particular segment of the company out of what could be a mature and slowing market segment and associated slowing revenue stream to one of great promise and career advancement.
This introduced tremendous opportunity not only for Mary but for many others within the organization. This information, by the way, was not shared under any confidential instruction from the higher-ups; however, it was openly shared, as most information of this sort is, over cocktails at the bar between the leaders of the company.
With this as the backdrop, what do you think Mary did with this information?
  • Do you think she openly shared this intelligence with her leadership team?
  • Did she horde this information, waiting to get her own career plan and strategy in place before sharing this with others whoƂ could potentially be competition for her in the management hierarchy?
  • Or did she share just bits and pieces of what she knows,  so that she still had the upper hand?

Currently, Qiscus behold the rise of popularity of chatbot & AI. As there are so many sectors & fields that can be enhanced further with the help of Artificial IntelligenceI. Qiscus will be organising Techtalk 103, talk about chatbots & Artificial Intelligence.
In Qiscus’s Techtalk 103: Things about Chat & Artificial Intelligence that C Levels Must Know. Collaborating with Kata.ai, IBM Indonesia and EVA.id. Qiscus will hold this event on January 20th 2018, D.Lab, Menteng, Jakarta. Time 9 a.m up to 11.30 a.m.

Minggu, 03 Desember 2017

3 Apps To Automate Your Workflow Put On Your Evil Genius Hat

As a growth hacker I am not only looking for more ways to grow the user base & augment quality of site visitors at qiscus. I am additionally looking to automate as many procedures as possible to free up my time to do more.
I have indexed the three apps I am at present gambling round with to do just that.
1. MailChimp
This first option for is a MailChimp feature that will email your subscribers the currency RSS updates into a a custom template exhibiting your chortle updates & weblog posts. This is in particular awesome if you run a weblog that does not have the functionality(Tumblr) to send email new updates to its subscribers automatically. Wordpress is great for that functionality(We are presently using tumblr).
I brought a pattern template of ours here. (Usually there would not be that many links)
Source: Mailchimp blog
I stumbled on this loopy however but nifty Mailchimp features while looking for the RSS to email solution.
MailChimp beam will let you ship email campaigns by just emailing your enjoy the mailchimp email address.
This is a god send for tweaking & customizing notifications or just manipulating popular internet amenities to your will. In particular if you want to test destiny aspects that you may want to enforce into your own site or product.
A nifty & popular use case:
Source: IFTTT
For example: I got an email notification in my personal inbox from a private message on a discussion board associated to my work. I want all those email notifications forwarded to my mobile phone by the use of sms.
You can setup a cause for every email comes from that specific discussion board email address(ex. hai@example.com) Set your email client to ahead those mails to trigger@ifttt.com who will then ahead that message to your mobile phone by the use of sms.
 If that is confusing just check the blog for my upcoming IFTTT recipe for qiscus.
3.Buffer (Social media sharing app)
 Type and forget. Buffer for later.

Buffer has a special place in my heart. It is in the same class as evernote for me. It is a carrier that lets me fire & forget. I can queue up my post & let them fly at the scheduled times I have setup.
The chrome & firefox extension work great for capture & queuing weblog publish or any interesting things you find online & want to share. 
That is all I've got for today. We're always looking for cool tools to help small teams & companies become more productive. If you have any suggestion drop them in the comments below.

qiscus - messaging to get work done
We're bringing hack tips because we believe in supercharged productivity for teams.
qiscus is not just a tool for communication however a medium that makes it possible for your team tradition to thrive & develop better relationships. It's designed for groups & business, platform agnostic & it's as easy to as chat however as powerful as a project management tool.
Supercharged your groups communication by giving qiscus a try.